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Lindsay Lohan in Artistic Threesome

Posted by Veronica Santiago Categories: Movies, Photos,

Lindsay Lohan in Muse Magazine

As Lindsay Lohan’s already proven with her Marilyn Monroe-inspired pics, there’s nothing the actress loves more than a celebrity impersonation—especially when it requires little clothing.

In an 18-page spread for Muse magazine, Lohan and Petey Wright do their best to model one of the ‘90s hottest couples. “I was always fascinated by and Kate Moss, and when I asked Lindsay to do a shoot, she jumped at the chance,” photographer Yu Tsai explained.

Click to continue reading Lindsay Lohan in Artistic Threesome

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Michael Lohan’s GosselinGate Tapes

Posted by K.C. Morgan Categories: D-List, Movies, Television, Child Stars, Rumors,

Michael Lohan, Jon GosselinApparently, Michael Lohan ran out of taped conversations of himself and daughter Lindsay (you remember her - she used to be a movie star). Now, he’s revealing talks he shared with , infamous father of eight. And while I haven’t heard them, I bet there’s no missing minutes on these tapes.

It’s handy that Michael Lohan never forgets to turn his equipment on when he’s chatting over serious matters with friends and family. Somebody please give this guy a job. He’s desperate to be a star.

“I mean, I put my kids out there to every pedophile on the planet and they never got paid for it? It’s disgusting,” Jon Gosselin laments at one point during the taped conversation. There are so many problems with this statement, we don’t have time to go over them all.

taped conversations with his daughter, leaked them to the press and continually perpetuates her image as a tabloid queen (and once she was a bankable Hollywood star…how sad). Jon Gosselin isn’t concerned with exploiting his kids - so long as they get paid properly for it.

So…who’s the worse father?

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Lindsay Lohan Throws Bar Tantrum

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Drunk, Meltdowns, Rumors,

Lindsay Lohan and her short temperThe outlandish stories continue, sans recorded conversations: recently, Lindsay Lohan allegedly refused to pay two bottles of champagne from a Los Angeles bar.

The troubled actress was reportedly furious when she was given a bill for her drinks at The Crown Bar and stunned onlookers with a tantrum when staff insisted she settled her tab for her evening.

A source revealed, “Lindsay stormed into the kitchen and grabbed two bottles of really expensive champagne. She finished both bottles with a friend. When the bartender gave her a bill, she had a meltdown. She was yelling at him and screaming profanities at everyone. The bar insisted she pay, so she had to call a friend with her credit card information.”

The star eventually left the nightspot at 2.30am, but was still in tears over the incident: “She was crying and wanted to go home. She kept saying ‘I don’t pay for drinks! This is ridiculous! I’m freaking out!’”

Lindsay, who has previously undergone stints in a rehabilitation clinic for alcohol abuse, has caused increasing concern with her recent behavior. Her father Michael Lohan has spoken out, saying he fears she will die if she doesn’t get help for her problems: “I want my daughter off prescription medication. She never needed it in her life… I’m not going to watch my daughter die. Hate me now, but you love me more later because I’m gonna turn her life around.”

Lindsay Lohan Wants Lady Gaga Collaboration

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Music, Style, Rumors,

Lindsay Lohan seeks a Lady Gaga collaborationWhen she’s not too busy partying or having her personal phone conversations recorded, Lindsay Lohan is tuning into Lady Gaga’s music!

The somewhat-working actress reveals on her Twitter page that she has been obsessed with Gaga’s Bad Romance video and expresses her


desperation in collaborating with the popular artist.

“LADY GAGA IS F*)K!NG EP!C !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i want to do a mini movie music video with @ladygaga in la, nyc, and all over europe. @ladygaga OBSESSED WITH YOUR NEW VIDEO! you’ve just become epic in my book ** [sic]”

I’m not sure if becoming epic in Lohan’s book is a compliment or something to flat-out ignore. If anything, a collaboration with Lohan would be a major downgrade and regression (two words: Labor Pains).

Either way, I have a feeling that the Alexander McQueen-loving Gaga wouldn’t be one to instantly jump on to a collaboration with a fashion house wrecking creative advisor like Lohan.

(FYI - You can also follow VIP Breakdown on Twitter.)

Read More | Lindsay Lohan's Twitter

Lindsay Lohan Dated Heath Ledger Before His Death

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Dating, Meltdowns, Rumors,

Was Lindsay dating Heath?If one were to believe all the tabloid reports regarding who dated Heath Ledger before his untimely death, he would have been with at least three women (I’m sure there will be more to come)!

According to a taped phone conversation between Dina Lohan and her ex-husband Michael Lohan, their famous daughter Lindsay Lohan was seeing The Dark Knight star at the same time Gemma Ward and Mary-Kate Olsen were!

“[Lindsay] was dating Heath when he died… I don’t know if you know that, but I know cause I would drop her off and they were friends, very, very close… That f***ed her up,” Dina tells Michael in the tapes.

Are we now pinning every young celebrity’s depression and problems on Ledger’s death?

The release of these tapes comes shortly after Michael sold an unsettling recorded conversation between him and Lindsay, where the troubled starlet seems to have a meltdown. Those Lohans sure know how to command that media spotlight!

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Lindsay Lohan Held at Gunpoint

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: D-List, Drugs, Drunk, Legal Issues, Rumors,

Lindsay Lohan may need to kick her addictionsMost likely due to the mass amount of hate directed at her over the Ungaro debacle, Lindsay Lohan was threatened by a gunman on holiday over the weekend.

The Mean Girls actress was left shaken following the terrifying encounter during a break to Morocco - only to discover the weapon being brandished was fake.

She revealed on her Twitter page: “Umm-OMFG! I was walking ahead with the security guard and some guy was following me, then pulled up in his car and pointed a GUN at me! I was on the phone w/my mum and i screamed and ducked and the guy started laughing and pushed the trigger and it was a fake gun..I was crying..he scared me. (sic)”

In a probably not-so-unrelated story, 23-year-old Lindsay’s father Michael has demanded she go into rehab, insisting she needs help for an addiction to painkillers.

(FYI - You can also follow VIP Breakdown on Twitter.)

Celebrity Double-Take: Donatella Versace vs. Lindsay Lohan

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Style, Parties, Photos,

Donatella Versace and Lindsay Lohan

For today’s installment, we have social butterfly Lindsay Lohan on the left and fashion icon Donatella Versace on the right, who both attended the Whitney Gala this past week.

I hope that someone has told Lohan that looking more like Donatella is not going to make her a better creative advisor at Ungaro.

(Make sure to check out more of our Celebrity Double-Takes here, here and here.)

Lohan Blames Ronson’s Family for Relationship Problems

Posted by Andru Edwards Categories: Movies, Break-ups,


has lashed out at Samantha Ronson’s family. The Mean Girls star, who has had a turbulent relationship with the DJ, has blamed Samantha’s mother and siblings for their rocky romance.

Referring to Samantha on her Twitter page, Lindsay wrote: “she doesn’t respond 2me b/c her family will cut her off if she contacts me…They control the one I love (sic).” (That tweet has since been taken down.) “im incapable of making any sort of difference. I’m in love with her, as she is in love with me….but her loved ones-hate her brilliance+resent her happiness (sic),” Lohan added.

Click to continue reading Lohan Blames Ronson’s Family for Relationship Problems

Parents Planning Lindsay Lohan Intervention

Michael Lohan, Lindsay Lohan“The more pressure I put on her, the more likely she is to eventually do the right thing.” This is parenting advice straight from Michael Lohan, current Jon Gosselin running buddy and father to .

Committing truly poor party-planning, Daddy Dearest has informed the press of his intentions to give Linds an intervention - well before the event actually takes place. Talk about spoiling the surprise.

“When Lindsay doesn’t adhere or listen to what I say about serious situations, I feel I have to speak publicly to put pressure on her,” Michael explained his leaking this sensitive info to the press.

Allegedly, Lindsay has been abusing pills - namely, Adderall, Zoloft and other prescription drugs. According to Michael Lohan, he and ex-wife Dina (Lindsay’s mom) have already discussed the intervention.

Read More | Perez Hilton

Footage of Lindsay Lohan’s Burglars

Posted by Robin Paulson Categories: Movies, Television, Videos, Rumors,


Video footage of three suspected burglars who broke into Lindsay Lohan‘s Hollywood Hills home this past weekend has been released.

Rumors of sex tapes and/or photos have been bubbling ever since the reports of the break-in surfaced. Lindsay hasn’t helped in quelling the gossip with certain remarks on her Twitter: “...I know it was not a robbery. electronics weren’t taken… just things that a certain old friend knew meant a lot to me.”

(FYI - You can also follow VIP Breakdown on Twitter.)

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